How do I book an appointment with Dr Raftopulos? +
Appointments to see Dr Raftopulos can be made by contacting his practice on (02) 9362 5991. A reminder SMS will be sent to you 1-2 days prior to your appointment. Please contact us if you need to reschedule or cancel your appointment.
Do I need a referral to see Dr Raftopulos? +
An up-to-date referral from your general practitioner is required for your appointment with Dr Raftopulos.
What should I bring to the appointment? +
Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment time, as there will be paperwork to complete before you see Dr Marco.
Please bring the following to your initial appointment:
- A valid referral from your GP
- Your Medicare Card
- Private Health Insurance details
- Relevant blood results, imaging scans & diagnostic investigations.
Does Dr Raftopulos follow-up with me after my surgery? +
If surgery is required, post-operative reviews will be scheduled with Dr Raftopulos to monitor your progress.
Do I need to pay for my consultation at the time of my appointment? +
Payment for the consultation will be taken at the time of your appointment.
Does Dr Raftopulos Bulk Bill? +
If you have a valid referral from your general practitioner and a Medicare card then you will be able to claim the Medicare rebate for part of the specialist consultation.
Will my health insurance cover my consultation or any surgery? +
The amount of contribution depends on your level of private health cover. Most private health funds will contribute to the cost of any surgical procedure required but do not contribute to the cost of the consultation. If you have a Medicare card you will be able to receive the specialist consultation rebate.
As an additional service for uninsured patient’s, Dr Marco offers a reduced cost ‘package’ for common procedures through East Sydney Private Hospital. For more information please head here.
Does Dr Raftopulos treat children? +
Dr Raftopulos treats both paediatric and adult patients. As a father of two young children, he caters towards families and particularly enjoys working with children.
Is there patient parking at Dr Raftopulos’ Rooms? +
2 hour Free Parking is available below the Edgecliff Centre at Eastpoint Food Fair Car Park.
What if I’m travelling by public transport? +
Edgecliff Train Station is conveniently located below Edgecliff Centre and is a 2 minute walk to Dr Raftopulos’ practice.